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¡Sí se Puede!

I spent the past week in Cascas, La Libertad- the wine town of Peru and whoa it was just so beautiful. Field based training (FBT) consisted of cultural exchanges, technical sessions at an Institute, visiting the municipality and an artisan group, beautiful views, wonderful conversations, and diarrhea (well not me but the majority of my group). It was really nice getting to see two different sites before we had our final chat with Alfredo (my boss and also the person who decides where I will be living for two years), when I first came in I was coast all the way but after spending a week in the sierra surrounded by so many pretty mountains who knows what I want. I will be finding out my site on Thursday and I’m excited and mainly sad to see where everyone else will be.

My weekly Spotlights:

Trent- it was so nice co-facilitating with him this week and it was nice getting to hear his spoke person’s voice, he’s officially on 4 days in a row not being sick and that’s a pretty big accomplishment.

Travis- when in doubt he is either talking about paltas (avocados) or talking about where he thinks everyone is going to end up, I love all of his randomly timed sayings and all the positive vibes that he gives. Also fun fact- I can indeed fit into his clothes even though he is so much taller than me

Marina- such a beautiful person inside and out, I don’t think I have seen her without a smile on her face. She looks like she’s going to a photo shoot after being on a bus for over 8 hours, meanwhile I looked like death

Ben- he always has a comment that will just make you laugh because you know it’s true and he always knew the best times to go to the bathroom making us all curious when he would ever actually be in class haha. I’ve been thinking about you every night and can’t wait to see you again soon

(I’m going to warn you I should have a lot more on this list but I am currently in bed with stomach pains and my brain doesn’t want to work- so this is what you get)

Facts/things that I learned this week:

-You can get wine for S/. 2.50- 5 but be aware it will be in a plastic jug

-People here are really willing to help you out even if that means demonstrating childhood games

-I suck at childhood games

-To not stress about facilitating classes, the students understood that Spanish isn’t my first language and they were very helpful

Things I did this week:

-Went to two art museums in Lima, both were really cool and the second was interactive and I took a selfie with a cow

-Took an overnight bus to get to another department

-Went to the beach right outside of Trujillo, where I got my foot completely soaked but hey things have been worse

-Tried ceviche for the first time

-Took a super nice bus that reclines all the way back- no complaints from me Ittsa Bus

-Co-Facilitated classes at an Institute, my group had around 22 students and helped them make a business plan, take out a loan, and sell either their product or service in 4 DAYS!

-Got to take a hot shower and it was amazing and most definitely the longest shower I've taken here

-Fell for the first time- it happened twice in Cascas, once in the main plaza while playing dodgeball (but I swear it was the most graceful fall) and the second while in a dress going down a small path with scattered poop (good news I didn’t land in any)

-Learned some of the traditional dances from the coast, sierra, and selba

-Ate street chicken and it was AMAZING

-Entertained some people that worked in a bodega, after trying to describe how you eat crackers when your stomach hurts and other sayings for five minutes then noticed there was a box of crackers in front of me the entire time

-Drank some champagne (tasted like it was mixed with Inca Cola) and watched fireworks on a roof with some friends

Even though this week was amazing we had a lot of sad news from home, including someone having to go home. It’s inspiring seeing how strong everyone here is and that they continue being so positive after hearing awful news. This week really showed me the importance of keeping in touch with everyone and letting you all know that I do love you and that I’m so happy that you are all so encouraging about my choice to be here. It would mean a lot if you could take some time out of your day and just send some positive thoughts to my group.


Disclaimer: The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps

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