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Intercambio de Culturas con Ninos- Octubre

Recently I have started two projects with the school my tutor works at, one being a savings bank with the kids and the other is a way I can teach them about the customs from back home while making an excuse to do some arts and crafts.

Last week I went to the school during their art period to talk about what activities we do during October and why it’s one of my favorite months. I started with the changing of the leaves, because it is something I am dearly missing here. Other topics we went over were:

-Football season

-Fall activities: carving pumpkins, corn mazes, and hayrides

-Fall Fairs: another thing I’ve been missing so much especially since I went to so many with MiSue and the girls last fall

-Foods and drinks: apple pies, caramel apples, pumpkin EVERYTHING, and apple cider

-Halloween: duh, of course

After a lot of my botched Spanish we got to the part I was really pumped about- ARTS N CRAFTS! My ideas for this project went all the way back to all the years I helped MiSue in her classroom. So of course I had to do the lollipop ghost that were made every year. That was the easier craft, the second was my attempt of a pinterest project- using an apple to make a pumpkin shape for a garland. It could’ve gone better, I seemed to forget how much easier it would’ve been in the states. Oh grab the orange paint and a sponge brush. Yeah not the case here where we had to mix the paint with the smallest brush. Oh well, it was fun and I learned to have everything prepared for my next one in November!


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